Pictures, Pictures, Pictures of Me

Since starting this blog, all the pictures have purposefully been product-based. Although I love being behind the camera, I feel very uncomfortable in front of it. Compared to the many fashion blogs I follow which make taking pictures of yourself look so effortless, I feel so clunky and weird... And those feelings show in my pictures.
I know, I know, practice makes perfect, right? I just need to make getting in front of the camera more of a habit. I feel like the queen of excuses, though, because I always try to put it off. But not anymore! My goal is to take more pictures of myself for this blog. There! I said it… Now, someone, please hold me to it!
One of the reasons I hate taking pictures of myself is because I feel ugly when I go back and look at them. Silly, right? I am trying to work on building up my confidence because I feel like I lost it somewhere along the way. In fact, I almost didn't even post these pictures or write this post: I felt like I looked too fat in one, my eyes looked crooked in another or you could tell that my nose was broken when I was little (thanks, Ashley).
So, I told Kody I was going to scrap the pictures. However, he told me that I looked beautiful; that I always look beautiful. He didn’t see what I saw in the pictures. He wasn’t honing in on the things that made me feel insecure. But, Kody said he would help me take some more pictures since he could tell I just did not like what I took.
I explained to Kody how to use my DSLR and then we just took pictures. Honestly, he made this process a lot more fun. There were moments when he made me laugh so hard that I completely forgot about the things I was worried about. We even brought Pepper out with us, who was just content people-watching. After finishing up, I made Kody promise that he would help me take more pictures of myself. Of coirse, he agreed.
Next, I uploaded the pictures on my computer and I loved how a lot of them turned out. The only thing I had to worry about this time was sorting through the ones where I was laughing so hard that my face just looked hilarious. Kody helped me realize that I shouldn’t compare myself to others. Who cares if I’m not a size 0 like a lot of the fashion bloggers? Who cares if my nose is a little off center? No one cares.
I am a firm believer that we are our own worst critics, meaning we can dwell on the things that we don’t like about ourselves. But just because that’s what we see doesn’t mean that’s what everyone else sees. We all have insecurities, but let’s try to take a more “who cares?” mentality. Surround yourself with people who like you for who you are and build you up to be the best version of yourself. Everyone is unique and it’s up to you to embrace your own uniqueness. That’s how I was able to overcome my fear of not only being in front of the camera, but even posting these pictures.
I know this isn’t just an overnight fix and it’s something I have to work on consistently. I’m hoping that by taking more pictures of myself for this blog, it will help me gain more and more confidence. I feel so lucky to have someone like Kody by my side who always builds me up, but I want to be able to build myself up, too.
What are some things you do when you’re feeling a little down on yourself?
We are all different, let’s embrace it.
Credits//Author: Molly Adamczyk. Photography: Molly Adamczyk and Kody Summers-Wiley Copy Editor: Ashley Adamczyk


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