April Small Goals

April is finally here, and that means it’s (hopefully) one step closer to some nicer weather! You never know what the weather will be like in Indiana. For example, in March, we had a handful of days when the weather went from snowing in the morning, to sun, to rain, and then back to snow. It’s been crazy! I am just so ready for some warmer temps and lighter coats.

March sure did fly by! But, I’m happy to say it was a very productive month for me. In particular, I set up a blog schedule to hold myself more accountable and make things more manageable. Doing so helps me develop a routine, which has been working very well for me.
Although I accomplished some of my March goals, others remain works in progress. Let’s recap these goals now before divine into April’s small goals:

1. Make a laptop lap table – Fail. I just simply ran out of time this month to make this goal a reality. Plus, I use my laptop case as a mini table. So, I don’t think this project is necessary right now.

2. Utilize my planner to the fullest – Done! Every night, I started writing down something I was thankful for each day. It’s been really nice to look back on these items at the end of each week.

3. Stay on budget – Fail… but it’s not my fault! I had to pay for my laptop, and that cost obviously threw off my budget. 

4. Blog more – Done! I posted on here a lot more consistently, and have been enjoying it. This is just such a fun outlet for me.

5. Clean out skincare/haircare – Done! It feels so good to declutter and get rid of old items I don’t use anymore or that expired. 

6. Start to plan a spring capsule wardrobe – Done! I’m not done with my capsule wardrobe yet, but I do have a very good grip on it. My mom went shopping with me and helped me pick out a bunch of new outfits, which was a lot of fun!

Four out of six - not too shabby! Let's see if I can keep this trend up in April!

This Month's Goals:

1. Stay on budget – Since I didn’t meet this goal last month, I am repeating it to hold myself accountable. I know I can do a bit better, so I’m going to try to stick as close to my new budget as possible. 

2. Practice self-care – I really want to make a habit this month of practicing self-care. This is one area I tend to ignore or set aside, but not anymore! In fact, I laid the groundwork for this goal toward the end of March by doing something for myself every day. Now, April is the time to fully embrace this practice.

3. Read a new book – Last month, I picked up I’ll Be Gone in the Dark by Michelle McNamara and flew through it. It was such a good read, and I highly recommend it if you like the true crime genre. After reading it, I went through my book collection and realized just how many books I still need to read. As such, I decided I will not buy another book until I get through some of these!

4. Go through my shoes – I have so many pair of shoes! During winter, I noticed I usually wear only half of them. So, I need to get rid of ones which are falling apart and donate the pairs which I do not wear, but are still in pretty good shape.

5. Create a sticker haul post – Recently, I placed a few orders with some new shops for planner stickers, which I cannot wait to get in the mail. Because of my excitement, I really want to make a collective haul with all of them. So, as soon as all of my orders arrive, this post will become a reality!

What are some of your goals for this month? Any big plans for this spring? Here's to some warmer weather on the way and to one of the prettiest times of the year!

Happy April.


Credits//Author: Molly Adamczyk. Photography: Molly Adamczyk Copy Editor: Ashley Adamczyk


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  1. Ooh I'd love to see your sticker haul post. I've been using my planner but I really need to sit down someday and decorate and just have more fun with it. I did well last year, but for some reason this year I've just been mostly writing things down and that's it. I want to be more creative with it as I do have lots of stickers and washi tape.

    Isn't I'll Be Gone in the Dark amazing? I read it last month too!! I should have a review on my blog sometime in the near future.


    1. I'll have to check out for that review! I could not put that book down! I enjoyed it so much.

      And yes, decorating my planner is just so relaxing for me. I feel like I always have an order pending on Etsy. There's just too many cute stickers out there!


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