By: Junju Ito
Released: April 16th, 2019
Pages: 416
My Rating: 4/5
Goodreads Synopsis:
Try not to be noticed when you eat the secret nectar, otherwise you'll get smashed... What horrific events happened to create the earthbound-people ties to a certain place for the rest of their short lives? A strange haunted house comes to town, but no one expects it to lead to a real hell... Welcome to Junji Ito's world, a world with no escape from endless nightmares.
My Review:
I find manga reviews hard to write. I picked this up because I was very sick mid November with a weird bug and was off work for three days and needed a pick me up. I loved Tomi so much and was excited to dive into more Junji Ito. This volume did not disappoint. This one is a number of short stories but all are the same horrifying nature as Tomi. Ito's work really reminds me of The Twilight Zone and I think that is part of the reason I enjoy it so much. I want to read more and cannot wait to get my hands on another volume.
Signing off,
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