My Morning Routine

I love mornings: waking up before most people and having a couple of hours all to myself. In addition to the the much-needed me time" they offer, mornings help get me ready for my day ahead and put to rest anything I was worrying about the night before (at least for a little bit). I get so excited to set my alarm every night due to the thought of knowing I will have a few hours all to myself to do whatever I want.
So, I thought I would share how I spend most of my mornings because I feel like I have finally perfected a routine that works really well for me.
First, I set an alarm to go off at 5:00 AM every morning. From there, I usually spend a few minutes in bed cuddling with Pepper. She wakes up with my alarm every morning and gets very cuddly when it goes off. Her little nub starts wagging and she rolls into my chest for some belly rubs. After tending to Peppers cuddle needs, I go into the bathroom to do my morning skincare routine (which will have its own post, so stay tuned!).
Next, I change my clothes and follow Pepper to the door (she has already sprinted there) to take her on a quick walk around our block for her to do her business. Back inside, I give her some vitamins and food. I recently bought Pepper a food ball to put her breakfast and supper in and she just loves pushing it all over the apartment with her nose to get the food out—it can often be very entertaining to watch.
After I feed Pepper,she usually climbs onto the couch and makes a little nest in the throw blanket we keep on it. I, on the other hand, go into the kitchen and make myself a cup of coffee with my Keurig, which I’m in love with. I have the K200 model in the mint green color (literally all our small kitchen appliances are this color—it’s my favorite). Recently, I’ve been enjoying the Cinnabon k-cups because they have the perfect hint of cinnamon.

Once my coffee is made, I bring it in with me to the couch and set aside about an hour to read a book, usually a true crime one. In fact, I just finished Ann Rule’s “The Stranger Beside Me” and moved onto her “Small Sacrifices. This time is one of my favorites because I can just sit back, relax and lose myself in a good book. If I don’t feel like reading a book, though, I skim through my latest issue of “The Magnolia Journal.” This is equally relaxing, but it does not help my budget out because I get so many home décor ideas from itI literally want all the shiplap.  
Once I finish reading, I go into my bedroom to do my makeup. Lately, I have been loving the more natural look, so I usually do a quick five minute face (again, a detailed post on this will also be coming!).
The last part of my morning routine is the best: breakfast! This tends to change fairly frequently, but a easy go to is an egg and cheese bagel . To do so, I toast up a bagel, make a fried egg, add some cheese and put that all together. It’s something that takes no more than 10 minutes to make and is so delicious. It also keeps me full for a while, which is something I am always looking for in my breakfast, especially if I have to go to work. I usually eat this alongside some water, or if I want to really have a good morning, a glass of chocolate almond milk. After this I really start my day. I will either go to work, or clean some around the house, or even work on this blog.
And that’s my current morning routine! I am the most productive in the mornings because I get so much energy and feel like I can do anything. Plus, I love the quiet and relaxing environment mornings offer.
I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my day! Are any of you morning people? If so, what are your morning routines?


Credits//Author: Molly Adamczyk. Photography: Molly Adamczyk Copy Editor: Ashley Adamczyk


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