Kody and I recently canceled our Netflix and Hulu subscriptions. This was due to a couple of reasons: the prices kept rising, we’ve been using our cable more than any subscription service. I just couldn’t justify the price for only a couple of shows. Now, I can DVR anything I want and still enjoy what I watch.

- Bob’s Burgers – This is my go-to show to put on anytime. I’ll just throw it on for background noise while I’m working on something. I can pretty much recite every episode by heart. It’s just the best. I own so much merch too: socks, a puzzle, the pop figures, a coloring book... This is one show I am obsessed with!
- The Nanny – I remember growing up and watching The Nanny reruns on Nick at Night (is that still a thing?). When I saw it was playing during New Year’s, I set up my DVR to record them and just fell back in love with the series. So, I bought the complete series on DVD. Fran Fine is just hilarious and I want her confidence (and style ;)).
- Golden Girls – This is another show I started watching again recently and bought the complete series. I love the humor of this show. It’s just so witty and sarcastic and just right up my ally. I actually also purchased all the pop figures to go by my DVDs (honestly, if they make a pop figure of a TV show/movie that I own, chances are that I have purchased it just to put next to said TV show/movie. I may have a problem…). Like Bob’s Burgers, this is a show I can put on when I’m in a bad mood and just laugh at to feel better.
- Daria – This one is a little different than the first three mentioned. While Daria has some funny moments, I don’t watch it for the humor--I watch it for its relatability. It’s just too real in some aspects. I want to be like Daria so badly. She just doesn’t care what people think about her and has the perfect amount of angst. When we had Hulu, this is one of the shows on there I would watch over and over again and never get sick of. So, it only made sense to buy it when we canceled Hulu.
- Sabrina the Teenage Witch – I bought this one mostly for nostalgia. I remember being little and watching these on TV. I remember watching all the movies that came out for it and just overall really enjoying it. I recently found out what happened Sabrina and Harvey when I watched the entire series beginning to end, and oh my gosh, I was so happy with that outcome! The show also holds up really well from what I remembered. I only wish I had Sabrina’s powers.
- Mad Men – I could not just narrow this list down to five (six was even hard to do). I loved this one so much. It was just so perfect. I just was so attached to all of the characters and loved seeing how they developed. Don Draper, am I right? The whole era it’s set in too is just one of my favorite styles. I love midcentury.
So there you have it, my top six TV shows. What are some of your favorites and why? I can’t wait to grow my collection even more! It’s pretty addicting actually, and soon I’m going to need another book shelf ;).
Credits//Author: Molly Adamczyk. Photography: Molly Adamczyk Copy Editor: Ashley Adamczyk
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