I got the idea for this post moments after I snagged the most amazing shoes for spring from Target.com. Don’t worry, though. I was able to justify this purchase for two reasons: first, I don’t have anything remotely like them in my closet; second, they are from Target, so the price was reasonable compared to other stores. Also, I made this decision after browsing for a new pair of Vans. I almost bought those shoes, but then I realized I would not wear the Vans as much because I can wear the dressier Target shoes to work. Anyway, this whole saga posed a big question for me: when is it okay to treat yourself, and when should you resist?
If you read my blog lately, you know one of my goals for this month is to stay on budget. Although I am gratefully making more money than before, I notice I am also spending more. In my defense, my previous budget was very hard for me to follow and allowed zero wiggle room. I have since reworked it and made it more reasonable, but I can’t help but feel guilty for spending more on myself.
I tell myself it’s okay because I deserve it. After all, I work hard for my money. Yet, a part of me feels so shameful for not saving most of my paycheck. Someone please tell me I’m not alone in feeling this way.
After putting some thought into this dilemma, I set up a plan which I want to start following. I’m not going to be able to stop myself from wanting things, so I’m not even going to try to do that — I mean, I’m only human! However, instead of buying things in the moment, I’m going to make a list of things I want. At the end of each week, I am going to review my list and purchase things I really only need or could not stop thinking about all week (because at that point, I probably need it). I plan on giving myself a set amount of money to spend each week depending on the purchases necessary for that week (e.g., Pepper’s dog food, gas, and groceries). Then, I can use any remaining money at the end of the month to purchase something I really want.
I hope this plan will help me save more money and help me cut down on impulse purchases: those things you buy in the moment because they seem so perfect, but then just sit in a corner somewhere collecting dust. (...I’m talking about you, neon-colored eye shadow palette, and you, dress that is too short to wear in public). Overall, I want to try to make more conscious purchase decisions, buying things which I know will be worth the cost.
Anyway, buying a pair of shoes from Target taught me this lesson: it is definitely okay to treat yourself. In fact, if it’s something you really want and know you will use it, why not? Just don’t buy things merely to have them and don’t get too caught up in the moment. Instead, save that money!
What are some of your strategies or budget plans when it comes to treating yourself? Do you usually splurge, or do you take a few days to think about it? I’d love to know what you guys do when deciding when to buy or when to walk away!
Here’s to a more mindful outlook!
Credits//Author: Molly Adamczyk. Photography: Molly Adamczyk Copy Editor: Ashley Adamczyk
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